Single color six displays cricket scoreboard with scrolling text

Published on July 9, 2024 by

The SCOREDUINO-DMD module, when paired with single-color and six P10 dot matrix displays, offers a straightforward and effective solution for setting up a basic cricket scoreboard. This setup is capable of seamlessly displaying LIVE scores sourced from and, with the scores scrolling smoothly from right to left across the display.

Designed for both indoor and outdoor use, the scoreboard is easy to assemble and operate. Its dimensions are 96cm x 32cm, and it can be customized in a variety of vibrant colors, including red, blue, white, green, and yellow.

The scoreboard’s management is simplified through the user-friendly Scoreduino app, which utilizes Bluetooth connectivity to ensure seamless communication between the scoreboard and the app. The app allows users to adjust display brightness levels, providing flexibility and control over the viewing experience.

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