SCOREDUINO Bluetooth and RF module test with 2.3 inch and 3 inch seven segment display drivers

Published on July 15, 2024 by

The ‘SCOREDUINO-A’ module serves as a fundamental controller for up and down counters or seven-segment display drivers. It features dedicated switches for up, down, and reset functions, allowing users to increase, decrease, and reset counts easily.

Key Features:

  1. Switch Controls: Includes switches for up, down, and reset signals, facilitating manual count adjustments.
  2. Bluetooth Connectivity: Integrates a Bluetooth module that enables communication with the Scoreduino app. Users can send control signals to Scoreduino devices via the app.
  3. RF Module Compatibility: Equipped with a header for an RF module, enabling reception of control signals from an RF remote control.
  4. Programmability: Like other Arduino-compatible devices, Scoreduino is programmable using an FTDI basic breakout board.

Operation Overview:

The ‘SCOREDUINO-A’ module interfaces seamlessly with common anode seven-segment display drivers. It plugs into the female headers of these drivers. The UP, DOWN, and RESET pins on the module connect to specific pins (5, 4, and 14 respectively) on the 74LS192 chip, which manages the counting operations.

Supported Devices:

Scoreduino is compatible with various common anode seven-segment display drivers. These drivers can be controlled via the Scoreduino Android app, RF remote control, or directly using the onboard switches.

This modular design makes Scoreduino versatile for applications requiring flexible count control and display management, whether for educational purposes, gaming, or other interactive displays.

This module is available at:…

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