Leonardo Pro Micro Scoreboard Scoreduino Scoremicro Digital Scoreboard With App and RF remote

Published on July 23, 2024 by

This DIY digital scoreboard is designed for indoor games and comes with all modules fully assembled. Your task is to mount it on a wooden board or create an alternative setup to ensure it is both attractive and functional for your sport.


  • 2 Players/Teams Scoreboard: An Arduino-based digital scoreboard that supports two players or teams.
  • Programmable: Equipped with a Leonardo Pro Micro for easy programming.
  • App Compatibility: Operates with the SCORE4 and SCORE4T apps.

Display and Operation:

  • App-Controlled Scores: Send specific numbers to the displays using the app.
  • Single-Digit Display: For scores from 0-9, the left digit is off (e.g., a score of 7 displays as 7, not 07).
  • Bluetooth Communication: Connects to the app via Bluetooth, allowing you to send scores to two scoreboards simultaneously.
  • Non-Resetting Scores: Scores remain displayed even if the Bluetooth connection is lost.
  • RF Remote Control: Can be controlled with a 4-channel RF remote.
  • Manual Score Adjustment: Use switches to manually increase or decrease the count.
  • Power Requirements: The 1.2″ scoreboard operates with a 5V power supply (RED-RED configuration).
  • PCB Dimensions: 188.82 mm x 66.04 mm.

Additional Capabilities:

Supporting Modules:

  • RF Receiver and Remote Control: Utilizes a basic 4-channel RF module and remote control for command transmission.
  • Bluetooth Module: Controlled via the SCORE4 module of the Scoreduino app, communicating through Bluetooth. There are two specific apps for this scoreboard:
    • Score4 App: For basic score control without a timer.
    • Score4T App: Includes a timer control function.

This versatile scoreboard setup ensures robust performance for a variety of indoor sports, with easy control and reliable score display.

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