This DIY digital scoreboard is designed for indoor games and comes with all modules fully assembled. Your task is to mount it on a wooden board or create an alternative setup to ensure it is both attractive and functional for your sport.
- 2 Players/Teams Scoreboard: An Arduino-based digital scoreboard that supports two players or teams.
- Programmable: Equipped with a Leonardo Pro Micro for easy programming.
- App Compatibility: Operates with the SCORE4 and SCORE4T apps.
Display and Operation:
- App-Controlled Scores: Send specific numbers to the displays using the app.
- Single-Digit Display: For scores from 0-9, the left digit is off (e.g., a score of 7 displays as 7, not 07).
- Bluetooth Communication: Connects to the app via Bluetooth, allowing you to send scores to two scoreboards simultaneously.
- Non-Resetting Scores: Scores remain displayed even if the Bluetooth connection is lost.
- RF Remote Control: Can be controlled with a 4-channel RF remote.
- Manual Score Adjustment: Use switches to manually increase or decrease the count.
- Power Requirements: The 1.2″ scoreboard operates with a 5V power supply (RED-RED configuration).
- PCB Dimensions: 188.82 mm x 66.04 mm.
Additional Capabilities:
- Scoreboard Timer Integration: Compatible with the ‘Scoreduino Timer’ for added functionality.
- Example Operation: A video demonstration, please have a look.
• How to operate 3 inches SCORE4 digita… , which functions similarly.
Supporting Modules:
- RF Receiver and Remote Control: Utilizes a basic 4-channel RF module and remote control for command transmission.
- Bluetooth Module: Controlled via the SCORE4 module of the Scoreduino app, communicating through Bluetooth. There are two specific apps for this scoreboard:
- Score4 App: For basic score control without a timer.
- Score4T App: Includes a timer control function.
This versatile scoreboard setup ensures robust performance for a variety of indoor sports, with easy control and reliable score display.