Digital Dice using 74LS47, LS7490 and seven segment display

Published on August 6, 2024 by

Introducing an innovative take on digital dice: Unlike traditional electronic dice that use seven LEDs, this project utilizes a seven-segment display for a clear and dynamic visual experience.

In this project, pressing the tactile switch causes the display to cycle through numbers from 0 to 9. Upon releasing the switch, the display halts at a randomly selected number. This functionality offers an engaging alternative to traditional dice.

The range of numbers displayed can be customized using two jumpers, allowing you to set the display from 0 to any desired maximum, such as 1, 5, 8, or 9.

The number incrementing is governed by an NE555 timer configured in astable mode. The output frequency of the NE555 is modulated by a photoresistor. When the light falling on the photoresistor is obstructed, its resistance increases, reducing the NE555 frequency. Conversely, when the photoresistor is illuminated by a white LED, its resistance decreases, leading to an increase in NE555 frequency. This change in frequency directly affects the speed at which the numbers are displayed.

The kit is designed for easy assembly and can be powered using a micro USB cable. It is an ideal project for electronics enthusiasts, requiring only basic soldering skills. The PCB features clear silkscreen labels to assist with the soldering process.

For additional resources, including the schematic, detailed images, and PCB Gerber files, visit BuildCircuit.

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