Detachable 5 ” digital scoreboard with 3″ innings display using SCOREDUINO- Bluetooth controlled app

Published on July 10, 2024 by

Introducing the detachable SCORE5, an Arduino-based digital scoreboard featuring five digits and seven-segment displays.

This DIY digital scoreboard is perfect for indoor games. All modules come fully assembled, allowing you to focus on mounting it onto a wooden board or creating a custom setup to suit your sport’s needs.

  • Designed for 2 players/teams, with an innings display.
  • Programmable using an FTDI basic breakout board.
  • Available in two sizes: 3″ (with 2.3″ for innings) and 4″ (with 2.3″ for innings).
  • Compatible with SCORE5 and SCORE5T apps.


  • Send specific numbers to the displays via the app.
  • Simultaneously send scores to two scoreboards using the app.
  • Utilizes Bluetooth for communication between the scoreboard and the app.
  • The scoreboard maintains its state even if Bluetooth is disconnected.
  • Can be controlled with a 6-channel RF remote control.
  • Operates on a 12V power supply.
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