Arduino Scoreduino based basic Cricket Scoreboard with 2.3″ displays working with SCORE-C app

Published on July 7, 2024 by

Introducing the 2.3″ DIY Digital Cricket Scoreboard, featuring a nine-digit display for all your cricket scoring needs. Each module arrives fully assembled, ready for you to mount on a wooden board or any other creative arrangement.


  • Arduino-Based: This digital scoreboard is built on an Arduino platform, perfect for cricket scoring.
  • Programmable: Easily programmable using an FTDI basic breakout board.
  • Multiple Sizes: Available in three sizes—2.3″, 5″, and 10″.
  • SCORE-C App Integration:
    • Send scores to two scoreboards simultaneously.
    • Send specific numbers to the displays.
    • Communicates via Bluetooth, ensuring the scoreboard maintains scores even if Bluetooth is disconnected.
  • Modular Design: Consists of 5 individual modules that can be tested separately.
  • Power Supply: The 2.3″ scoreboard operates with a 9V power supply.


  1. Scoreduino-C:
    • Functions like an Arduino UNO, utilizing the Atmega328P-PU chip.
    • Programmable via FTDI basic breakout board.
    • Designed specifically for building a basic cricket scoreboard.
    • Dimensions: 93.96 mm x 74.93 mm.
  2. Target Display:
    • Three-digit display using 2.3″ common anode seven-segment displays.
    • Control via SCORE-C app to set specific scores or adjust scores using up and down buttons.
    • Displays the first innings score.
    • PCB Dimensions: 152.4 mm x 83.8 mm.
  3. Overs Display:
    • Displays the number of overs, adjustable via SCORE-C app or up and down buttons.
    • PCB Dimensions: 104.1 mm x 83.8 mm.
  4. Wickets Display:
    • Displays the number of wickets lost, adjustable via SCORE-C app or up and down buttons.
    • PCB Dimensions: 86.4 mm x 55.9 mm.
  5. Total Display:
    • Displays the score of the second innings (batting team).
    • PCB Dimensions: 152.4 mm x 83.8 mm.

Supporting Module:

  • Bluetooth Module: Enables control of the scoreboard through the SCORE-C app, communicating via Bluetooth.

Power Supply:

  • The 2.3″ SCORE-C scoreboard operates on a 9V power supply.
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